Upcoming Orientations and Back to School Preview!
5 months ago, Christine Reed
Open Campus
The Data Confirmation Window is currently open. To obtain your child's teacher assignment, parents need to complete the Data Confirmation process and review the Family-Student Handbook. Visit the district's website or go to https://aeries.etiwanda.org/parent. Teacher assignments will be available using the link on the bottom of the district's homepage according to the following dates: - July 31st at 4:00 PM for Preschool and TK families - August 1st at 4:00 PM for Kindergarten - 8th grade families.
6 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Aeries Parent Portal Image
Battle of the Books lists for 2024-2025 are now available! View them on the Library Media Services website page: https://www.etiwanda.org/o/lms/page/battle-of-the-books.
6 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Battle of the Books 2024-2025 Image: Speech Bubble
We are so excited for Shrey from DCIS as he competes tonight in the final round of the Scripps National Spelling Bee! The finals will be televised today on the ION channel, and we invite everyone to tune in and cheer for Shrey on this prestigious stage. For more information on how to view the program and scheduling, visit https://spellingbee.com/watch.
7 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Spelling Bee
Join us in wishing Shrey, one of our amazing Etiwanda students, good luck! He is a finalist in the Scripps National Spelling Bee that airs tonight. Shrey is one of the 8 finalists! Let's cheer him on! You got this, Shrey.
7 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Good Luck Shrey @DCIS Images: Students standing on a stage
Etiwanda Colony celebrating Employee Recognition Day - 5, 10, 15, 20- and even 30 years of service to our district!
8 months ago, Christine Reed
Join us for Open House
8 months ago, Christine Reed
Open House
We had a busy and exciting week here at Etiwanda Colony! Started our week off with a pep rally to encourage our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders as they start the SBAC testing on Tuesday. On Tuesday the lower grades crated a huddle that all the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders could walk through cheering them on and giving them good luck for the test. Ended our week with Kindy 500. Our amazing kinders and their teachers had a great parade showing off their racing skills! It was a great week!! Thanks to all the teachers, staff and families that helped. We appreciate you all!
8 months ago, Christine Reed
kindy 1
kindy 2
Join us this evening- in person or via Zoom to vote for next year's PTA Executive Board- afterwards we will have Bingo for Books! *Please note- only current PTA members may vote.
8 months ago, Christine Reed
We have an exciting author event coming up that is fun-filled and supports our school libraries. On Friday, April 19, 2024 Bess Kalb will be present at our Buffalo Fluffalo Author Event at Barnes & Noble in Rancho Cucamonga from 5:30-7:30 PM. There will be fun activity stations, puzzles, and drawings. A percentage of in-store sales from this event will benefit our school libraries. Please feel free to reach out to library@etiwanda.org with any questions.
9 months ago, Etiwanda School District
We have an exciting author event coming up that is fun-filled and supports our school libraries. On Friday, April 19, 2024  Bess Kalb will be present at our Buffalo Fluffalo Author Event at Barnes & Noble in Rancho Cucamonga from 5:30-7:30 PM. There will be fun activity stations, puzzles, and drawings. A percentage of in-store sales from this event will benefit our school libraries. Please feel free to reach out to library@etiwanda.org with any questions.
Join us for a night of Bingo and Books!
9 months ago, Christine Reed
Bingo for Books
Join us for our final Coffee with the Principal- this Friday, the 12th at 8:30 in the MPR. Click Here to RSVP: https://bit.ly/4aCZuQi
9 months ago, Christine Reed
coffee w principal
Your input matters! There's still time to make your voice count. Join us tonight at 6pm for the LCAP community forum at Summit Intermediate's MPR.
9 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: 6:00 PM 4/3/24. Reminder: LCAP Community Forum TONIGHT! Summit Intermediate, I got it, thanks! Image: Etiwanda logo, iphone
Save the date. Mark you calendars. Please join us and have your voice heard at one of our Spring LCAP Community Forums.
9 months ago, Christine Reed
This week, we celebrate the heart of knowledge, imagination, and discovery - our school libraries! Let's give a big thank you to our teacher librarians and school library paraprofessionals who nurture our students' love for reading and learning every single day. Don't forget to take some time this week to thank your school library staff.
9 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Happy National School Library Day, Read, Thank you Etiwanda Libraries
Save the date and join us! Spring LCAP Community forums. Participate in person or virtually.
9 months ago, Christine Reed
Etiwanda Colony PTA is hosting a Family Glow Dance! Friday, April 26th 6-8 PM in the Summit Intermediate School Gym. See attached for QR code to register and pre-order dinner. LAST DAY TO PURCHASE TICKETS is APRIL 12.
9 months ago, Christine Reed
Glow dance
glow dance
Spring LCAP - please join us, your voice matters!
9 months ago, Christine Reed
Etiwanda's LCAP Community Forums will be held on April 2nd and April 3rd. We will offer both virtual and in-person community forums. Parents, employees, and members of the community are all welcome, and we would love to hear from you. You can register by clicking the link below or by visiting the district website. bit.ly/EsdLCAP
9 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Join us - LCAP Community Forum Images: Adults standing in a school MPR
LCAP Community Forums are coming up...we want to hear from you!
10 months ago, Christine Reed